Page 40 - ar2021_en
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               The revamped UDG has adopted an organised and simplified format to
               make it more attractive, readable and easy to understand.  Under the new
               structure, the design guidelines are grouped into four overarching urban

               design principles, including Responding to Context, Pedestrian-Friendly

               Movement Network, Engaging Public Realm, and People-Centric Building
               Design.  The related guidelines and design objectives are presented in short
               sentence or point form.  Each principle comprises a number of objectives,

               and each objective a number of associated guidelines along with tip(s), where

               necessary, suggested practical considerations and/or references for further
               reading.  This principle-based approach could help promote a more holistic
               and thoughtful design process.  Such format also enables future additions and

               updates to accommodate new principles/guidelines.

               To assist users to navigate and make reference to specific guidelines
               applicable to their projects of different scales, a matrix has been added to

               the appendix.  A checklist in the form of questions has also been introduced
               to serve as a reminder of the design objectives and related guidelines when

               applying the revamped UDG to their projects.

               The urban design guidelines, including air ventilation of the current version
               are regrouped and embodied in the above overarching principles.  Revision to

               graphics and document layout have also been made.

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