Page 35 - ar2021_en
P. 35


                                          Quick-Win Promenade on Victoria Park Road

            Most of the HEPs have avoided reclamation as defined under the Protection of

            Harbour Ordinance (PHO).  However, the cantilevered boardwalk along CWBTS
            may have implications under PHO.  Further study will be required in the detailed
            design and implementation stages to ensure compliance with the statutory


            East Coast Park Precinct

            The design concept of this Precinct is to create a waterfront community park with

            well-planned supporting facilities serving the locals with a view to promoting 'well-
            being' and 'healthy living' concepts.  The community park will be equipped with a

            wide range of active and passive activity facilities for all ages and interests.  Urban
            farming and landscaped park will be provided on the tunnel portal roof of CWB.

            Enhancement to local streetscape and pedestrian facilities will also be carried out
            for better connection to individual local areas.

                                                      Community Park

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