Page 23 - ar2023_en
P. 23

Developing the Dual Engines  Focus

                       We will also utilise blue-green assets to develop livable communities.  For
                       example, on the KYCAI, we will make efficient use of the over 20 km long
                       coastline, as well as the water channels of about 200 m wide between the
                       three islands.  The coastline is designed to increase waterfront open space,
                       promote water sports, and provide diversified activity venues.  To provide

                       living space of better quality, we propose increasing provision of land for
                       both open space and Government, Institution and Community uses in the
                       Northern Metropolis and on the KYCAI to a ratio of no less than 3.5 m  per

                           Rendered Illustration of Regional Park and Water Sports Facilities on the KYCAI

                       In respect of housing, we need to increase housing land supply in order to
                       enhance living space and housing options as well as to provide decanting
                       space to facilitate redevelopment for retrofitting the dense urban core.
                       Meanwhile, land will be reserved for housing in the Northern Metropolis and
                       the KYCAI based on the recommendation under the “Hong Kong 2030+”
                       which assumes that the average flat size of public and private housing units
                       to be increased by a range of 10% to 20%.

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