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P. 22

Taking Kwu Tung NDA as an example, major venues for leisure activities and
                       public service facilities within the area will be located within 500m from
                       the future Kwu Tung railway station and the public transport interchange.
                       Public transport and various supporting facilities will be accessible to
                       most of the future residents, which will help minimise vehicular traffic and

                       carbon emission.  According to the preliminary proposal, the seven liveable
                       living communities of KYCAI are planned with 15-minute neighbourhood
                       concept.  Each community will be around 80-100 ha, and they will be
                       connected by a green mass transit system and separated by blue-green
                       corridors with green waterfront promenade along the shorelines.  As for
                       the planning of each community, a green mass transit station is planned
                       at the centre, with the public transport stations, daily shopping and dining
                       facilities, basic community facilities, open spaces, etc. reasonably distributed
                       within the community.  At the same time, these places will be connected by

                       comprehensive pedestrian and cycling track networks, allowing residents
                       to travel by healthy modes such as walking or cycling within 15 minutes
                       from their homes to different destinations to obtain various necessities.
                       Furthermore, land will be reserved in the Northern Metropolis and the KYCAI
                       for a diversified development of industries, with a view to increasing the local
                       employment rate within the community.

                                                                                 Rendered Illustration of Living
                                                                                 Communities on the KYCAI

                 Rendered Illustration of
                    San Tin Technopole

            19    PLANNING DEPARTMENT | ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023
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