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P. 20

Major Planning Parameters

            Northern Metropolis
            The Northern Metropolis generally covers two district administration areas including Yuen
            Long District and North District, with a total land area of about 30 000 ha that currently
            accommodates a population of about 980 000 and provides about 400 000 residential units
            and around 134 000 jobs.  The Northern Metropolis is the major source of land supply for

            Hong Kong in the future, providing some 3 000 more ha of new development land.  It is also an
            arsenal of future housing supply for Hong Kong, providing over 500 000 new residential flats.
            Apart from addressing housing needs, the Northern Metropolis development can also meet
            public aspirations for larger living space.  In addition, the new development land within the
            Northern Metropolis will create around 500 000 new job opportunities, thus helping to reduce
            cross-regional commuting and promote a better home-job balance.  Upon completion, the entire
            Northern Metropolis is expected to accommodate a population of around 2.5 million, around

            one-third of Hong Kong’s current population.
             Population                       Additional Residential Flats     Additional Employment
                       2 500 000                        500 000                          500 000

                                              (Adopt the 10%-20% home space enhancement
                                              recommended under Hong Kong 2030+)

            Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands

            For the KYCAI, we preliminarily propose that the artificial islands of 1 000 ha will comprise
            three islands and provide a total of about 190 000 to 210 000 flats with the capacity of
            accommodating a population of 500 000 to 550 000 and providing 270 000 employment
            opportunities (including about 200 000 in CBD).  The proposed maximum domestic plot ratios
            are 6.5 and 7.5 for living communities and CBD respectively, while the proposed maximum non-

            domestic plot ratio for the artificial island is 15.

             Population                       Residential Flats                Employment Opportunities
                       500 000         to               190 000         to

                       550 000                          210 000                          270 000

                                              (Adopt the 10%-20% home space enhancement
                                              recommended under 'Hong Kong 2030+')  (including about 200 000 in CBD)
             Ratios of land for open space and land   Maximum Domestic Plot Ratio  Maximum Non-domestic
             for community facilities to population                            Plot Ratio
                                               Living    CBD
                         No less than          Communities
                         3.5   m  per person   6.5 7.5                             15
                      (Recommendation of 'Hong Kong 2030+')

            17    PLANNING DEPARTMENT | ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023
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