Page 24 - ar2021_en
P. 24

Wan Chai North and North Point Harbourfront Areas

            The 'Urban Design Study for the Wan Chai North and North Point Harbourfront

            Areas' (the Study) was completed by the Planning Department in October 2019.
            The 3.8 km long Wan Chai North and North Point (WCN) harbourfront, comprises

            a piece of valuable reclaimed land of 19 ha extending from Hong Kong’s premier
            business district and a water space of 22 ha including the Wan Chai ex-Public

            Cargo Working Area (ex-PCWA) and the Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter (CWBTS).
            It presents a unique opportunity for creating a new public space to 're-connect'

            people to the water.

            As shown on the Harbour Functional Zone Plan, the study area stretches along the
            exhibition/commercial hub in Wan Chai, the commercial/residential/ recreation

            cluster in Causeway Bay, and the residential cluster in North Point.  Upon
            completion of the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Sha Tin to Central Link (SCL) with a

            new railway station at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC),
            it will be more accessible to the public.  The water bodies of the ex-PCWA and

            CWBTS also provide opportunities for re-defining the role of the water space in
            promoting water-friendly culture and activities.  The WCN harbourfront will have

            great potential in becoming an attractive, well-connected, vibrant and sustainable
            new waterfront for public enjoyment.

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