Page 17 - nt_tsw_en
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The town centre is planned around the proposed HSK Station with mega shopping facilities and other
shops and services, office and hotel uses as well as high density residential developments, which will
form the Regional Economic and Civic Hub in the NWNT. A District Commercial Node will be located near
the existing Tuen Ma Line TSW Station. A Local Service Core is located in the northern part of the NDA to
provide local support for the population in the nearby TSW north. A local commercial centre is planned
to complement the tourism activities in Lau Fau Shan. A Logistics, Enterprise and Technology Quarter
at the northwestern part of HSK/HT NDA constitutes an important economic and employment node of the
whole NWNT with the dominant provision of modern industries (Figure 30). About 150 000 employment
opportunities will be generated in the NDA through a mix of commercial, business, industrial, community
and government land uses.
To promote the compact
city concept, residential
developments of higher density
are clustered around the railway Figure 30: Artist Impression of key activity nodes of
stations with a maximum plot ratio Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen New Development Area
(PR) for residential and mixed commercial/
residential zones of up to 6.5 and 7 respectively
in the Hung Shui Kiu OZP. The development intensity descends towards the Lau Fau Shan and Deep
Bay areas with a maximum PR of 2.5 to 3.5 in the northern part of the NDA. To maintain views and air
ventilation, principal visual and air corridors are maximised through the green open spaces, amenity
strips and pedestrian streets. The riverside promenades planned along the river channels together with
the northsouth running open space corridor connecting the Regional Plaza and the Regional Park serve
as major connecting green spines between new and existing communities in the NDA and the surrounding
areas. A comprehensive pedestrian walkway and cycling network will be provided in HSK/HT NDA to
promote walkability and cycle friendliness. In order to strengthen street vibrancy and contribute to local
character, the concept of retail frontage primarily at-grade is adopted. Shopping streets are planned in
the town core and along major open spaces in the NDA. Continuous retail frontage and provision of a mix
of commercial and leisure facilities along the shopping streets would enhance the vibrancy and vitality of
the areas.