Page 22 - nt_tsw_en
P. 22

As the open space network is strategically located along the river channels, the riverside promenades
            (Figure 35) provide a vertebrae of open space framework from which a series of ancillary open spaces
            are developed.  The existing drainage channels would be revitalised to provide a continuous riverside
            promenade.  The Regional Park (Figure 36) together with major recreational facilities is located in the
            centre of the NDA to create a social and recreational hub.  It will be easily accessible by the general
            public and local residents as it will be linked with the northsouth running open space spines and riverside
            promenade.  The Regional Plaza accommodating the proposed HSK Station is one of the important
            'breathing and leisure' spaces within the high density development area of the Regional Economic and
            Civic Hub.  It provides not just an open space with quality landscape provision connecting the station
            with the surrounding commercial complexes and Public Transport Interchange (PTI), but also leisure and
            food and beverage facilities.

                                        Figure 35: Artist Impression of riverside promenades

            Other open spaces are also planned within the residential area and employment nodes throughout
            the NDA providing recreational and leisure spaces for the residents and workforce.  A comprehensive
            pedestrian network and amenity areas are planned to create better urban living.  Greening and
            landscaping along the comprehensive pedestrian network includes pedestrian streets, shopping streets
            along the GTC and amenity strips along the pedestrian walkways and vehicular roads could enhance
            cityscape and act as buffer between developments.  Moreover, community farming and farmers’ markets
            are encouraged in designated open spaces to promote green living.

                                          Figure 36: Artist Impression of the Regional Park

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