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          The Territorial Development Strategy Review
          in 1990s first identified the potential of HSK
          area for strategic growth in the North West
          New Territories (NWNT).  The Planning and
          Development Study on NWNT commissioned
          in 1997 identified the HSK area as suitable for
          NDA development (Figure 28).

          The 'Hong Kong 2030 Planning Vision and
          Strategy', promulgated in 2007, recommended
          to proceed with the HSK NDA  development to
          address the long-term housing demand and
          provide employment opportunities.  Following
          the announcement of the development of the
          HSK NDA and the North East New Territories
          NDAs as one of the ten major infrastructure
          projects for economic growth in the 2007-08
          Chief Executive's Policy Address, the HSK
          NDA Planning and Engineering Study (the HSK
          NDA Study) was commissioned jointly by the
          Civil Engineering and Development Department
          (CEDD) and the Planning Department in August
          2011 with a view to formulating a planning and
          development framework for the implementation
          of the NDA.

                                                                  Figure 28: Aerial view of Hung Shui Kiu/Ha Tsuen
                                                                            New Development Area

          The NDA will be developed into a new town with a total population of about 218 000 (new population
          of about 176 000) and will provide about 61 500 new flats.  The NDA will be a Regional Economic and
          Civic Hub for the NWNT and cater for an integrated community with wide-ranging commercial, retail,
          community, recreational and cultural facilities as well as ample employment opportunities serving the
          NDA as well as the adjacent areas of Tuen Mun, TSW and Yuen Long New Towns.

          2   Later renamed as HSK/NT NDA

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