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Figure 21: Long Valley Nature Park

          Promoting Green Transportation and Connectivity

          To reduce carbon emission and pursue a greener living environment, a compact city form is adopted in
          the KTN NDA with a majority of the new population concentrated near the proposed Kwu Tung Station and
          public transport interchanges (PTIs).  The primary distributors and main district distributors to the NDA
          are planned at the periphery of the town centre to minimise noise and air pollution to the future residents.
          Green neighbourhood and building design should be adopted in the future development of the sites.

          A comprehensive pedestrian walkway system and cycle track network is planned within the KTN NDA to
          minimise road traffic and carbon emission, as well as to ensure good connectivity between the proposed
          major activity nodes, proposed development sites and existing recognised villages of Ho Sheung Heung
          and Yin Kong, and to connect KTN NDA with the FLN NDA, Kwu Tung South and Fanling/Sheung Shui
          New Town.  This would promote the shared use of community, recreational and commercial facilities, and
          enhance employment opportunities within the local district.

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