Page 10 - nt_fss_en
P. 10

Recreation and Open Space

            The hills and mountain ranges of the hinterland form a unique
            backdrop of the New Town, providing both visual relief and
            identity.  About 88 ha of land has been reserved for local
            and district open space uses including both active and
            passive recreational activities within the Fanling/Sheung
            Shui New Town.

            The North District Sports Ground (Figure 14) is a major
            active recreation centre in the area, and the complex
            includes a sports ground, swimming pool and a number
            of ball courts suitable for basketball, volleyball and
            tennis.  The North District Park (Figure 15) is a key
            open space area for the New Town.  The park covers
            an area of about 8 ha featuring an ornamental lake,
            garden setting and children playing area located to
            the west of Fanling Wai.  Other major open spaces
            and recreational facilities include the Wo Hing          Figure 14: North District Sports Ground
            Sports Centre, Po Wing Road Sports Centre, and
            Sheung Shui Swimming Pool, etc.

                 Figure 15: North District Park

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