Page 14 - nt_fss_en
P. 14

Planning Concept

            Mixed Development Node

            Capitalising on its strategic location in proximity to the railway link, highways and the existing Border
            Check Points, and respecting the rich natural and ecological resources within the NDA, the KTN NDA is
            planned to be developed as a ‘Mixed Development Node’ (Figure 20) with a mix of residential, commercial,
            Research & Development (R&D) and agricultural uses as well as retail and services, community and
            government facilities and land for natural and ecological conservation.

                              Figure 20: Artist impression of a "Mixed Development Node" of Kwu Tung North

            Respecting Nature and Integrating Urban and Rural Uses

            The existing landscape resources such as Long Valley, Sheung Yue River, Shek Sheung River, the
            hillslope of Fung Kong Shan, the fung shui woodland to the west of Ho Sheung Heung and the natural
            ridgelines to the west and north have been respected and retained in the urban design of the KTN NDA.
            The ecologically important Long Valley has been designated as a nature park and will be enhanced to
            become a major green space contributing to a quality living environment for the NDAs.  An extensive
            area of about 83 ha (including 37 ha of land in Long Valley Nature Park (LVNP) (Figure 21) and 46 ha in
            the "Agriculture" ("AGR") zone to the north and south of the LVNP) have been reserved for agricultural
            use in the midst of the future NDA.  These could preserve the existing rural character, contribute to a
            diversified townscape and quality living environment, and enhance integration of urban and rural uses.
            The Government will introduce a special agricultural rehabilitation scheme to further assist and facilitate
            relocation of the affected farmers.

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