Page 19 - nt_fss_en
P. 19

Figure 25: Location of KTN NDA Planning Areas

          Major Government and Community Facilities

          The major existing GIC facilities under the "Government, Institution or Community" ("G/IC") zone include
          the existing Lo Wu Correctional Institution in Area 6 and the Lo Wu Saddle Club in Area 17.  Major planned
          facilities including a government office and community complex with government offices, a district
          library, a sports centre, a community hall and various social welfare facilities, as well as the Multi-welfare
          Services Complex will be located in Area 29.

          Other facilities in the Area include a district police headquarter in Area 9, a cluster of recreational and
          sports/leisure related facilities in Area 10 near Fung Kong Shan, a sports ground/sports complex in Area
          1 in the northwestern part of the Area, a fire station cum ambulance depot in Area 4 and two service
          reservoirs in the hilly terrain in Area 5.  Six primary schools and four secondary schools are planned in
          close proximity to residential developments to allow convenient access to students.

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