Page 20 - nt_fss_en
P. 20

Recreation and Open Space

            The landscape design framework for the KTN NDA (Figure 26) gives emphasis to creating an integrated
            landscape system which links the future developments with the existing landscape resources and the
            riverside promenades along the western side of Sheung Yue River and Shek Sheung River.

                   Figure 26: Urban Design and Landscape Framework of Kwu Tung North New Development Area (Source:
                    North East New Territories New Development Areas Planning and Engineering Study completed in 2013)

            The major elements of the landscape framework are the Town Plaza, Fung Kong Shan Park and the
            riverside promenades.  They serve as major green recreation cores in the framework linking the open
            spaces with green corridors.  These landscape areas will definitely contribute to the improvement of
            quality of life for the high density developments of the Town Centre and North Residential Area.

            Major and secondary green corridors are designed in the form of tree avenues, boulevards, pedestrian
            streets and green walkways which make the KTN NDA visually cohesive in terms of the continuity of tree
            and shrub planting and allow where possible continuous and safe pedestrian access throughout the NDA.

            The landscape framework also aims to maximise the integration of natural elements in the future urban
            fabric such as tree and shrub planting, lawn areas in addition to high quality hard landscape elements
            such as feature paving, lighting and street furniture, and sculptural elements such as landmark,
            sculptures and water features.

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