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Development in Fanling North New

          Development Area

          In planning the development of the FLN NDA, suitable sites have been reserved for various types of
          land uses including residential, open space and the provision of different types of community and
          infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of the population.

          Population and Housing                                  Retail Activities

          Mix                                                     Besides public  and private housing

                                                                  development, there are also different
          According to the Hong Kong 2021 Population              types and amount of commercial facilities,
          Census, the population of the Area estimated            including retail and dining facilities on the
          by Planning Department was about 700                    lower floors of residential development.
          persons.  The planned new population in
          the Area will be about 87 000.  First intake of         The FLN NDA will offer new floorspaces
          population for the KTN/FLN NDA is expected              to various commercial, retail and services
          to commence in 2023/24.  The distribution of            and provide about 8 400 new employment
          new housing units in the FLN NDA is around              opportunities.
          70:30 between public (including public rental
          housing and subsidised sale flats) and
          private permanent housing (including village

          Major Community


          The major GIC uses in the FLN NDA include
          the site in the southeastern end of the area (i.e.       Figure 32: Riverside Promenade along Ng Tung River in
                                                                          Fanling North New Development Area
          Area 19) designated for reprovisioning the
          existing North District Temporary Wholesale             Recreation and Open
          Market for Agricultural Products and On Lok
          Mun Street Playground.  A cluster of social             Space
          welfare, sports/leisure related facilities, and
          a government clinic are reserved in Area                The landscape design framework for the
          11.  Primary and secondary schools will be              FLN NDA gives emphasis to creating an
          provided within the Area to meet the needs of           integrated landscape system which links
          the population.                                         the future developments with the existing
                                                                  landscape resources and the riverside
                                                                  promenade along Ng Tung River (Figure 32).

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