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Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 & The

               Greater  Bay  Area  Urban  Design  Awards  2020  -  Plan  /

               Concept Category

               Urban Design Guidelines Revamp

               The Urban Design Guidelines (UDG) Revamp was awarded the Certificate
               of Merit of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020, as well as the

               Nominated Awards of the Greater Bay Area Urban Design Awards 2020

               under the Plan/Concept Category.  The purpose of the UDG Revamp was to
               restructure the current UDG under Chapter 11 of the Hong Kong Planning
               Standards and Guidelines to be a more flexible, user-friendly and engaging

               document to inspire our understanding of urban design principles and

               aspiration for a quality built environment.  The new edition also incorporates
               design considerations which assimilate the strategic directions to improve
               liveability of the city as set out in the Hong Kong 2030+.

               Urban Design Guidelines Revamp

                                                 The Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020 - Certificate of Merit

   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75