Page 66 - ar2021_en
P. 66
aWards receiVed
International Society of City And Regional Planners
(ISOCARP) & Hong Kong Institute of Planners Awards
Development of a Common Spatial Data Infrastructure – Built
Environment Application Platform
The feasibility study on 'Development of a Common Spatial Data Infrastructure
– Built Environment Application Platform' (the CSDI-BEAP study) was awarded
the 2020 Grand Award for Excellence from the International Society of City
And Regional Planners (ISOCARP), and the Certificate of Merit of the Hong
Kong Institute of Planners Awards 2020.
Landing Page to the BEAP Applications
The Government is committed to developing the CSDI to provide government
bureaux/departments (B/Ds) as well as the public and private organisations
with a digital infrastructure to facilitate sharing of spatial data to support smart
city applications. To tie in with the CSDI initiative, the CSDI-BEAP study has
explored the establishment of the BEAP and recommended potential built-
environment applications focusing on 'Planning and Landuse', 'Infrastructure
and Engineering', and 'Landscape, Environment and Conservation' aspects,
with test cases to demonstrate the feasibility of implementation to facilitate
B/Ds’ work.