Page 74 - ar2021_en
P. 74

the city gallery

               The City Gallery plays an important role in reaching out to the community to
               promote town planning in Hong Kong, showcasing planning and infrastructure

               developments as well as providing a platform for exchange of ideas among
               planning and development-related professionals.


               Notwithstanding that the operation of the City Gallery has been affected by
               the partial revamping works, and that the City Gallery was closed intermittently
               for about half of the year due to the COVID-19 pandemic , it still managed to
               receive a total of 10 940 visitors in 2020.  We provided guided tour services

               and received group bookings from schools and the wider community.  To
               facilitate students’ learning experience during the suspension of face-to-

               face classes, the City Gallery has launched the 'City Gallery Online Classroom'
               programme comprising briefings on topical planning issues followed by an

               online tour to the City Gallery.  We have also reached out to the Hong Kong
               Federation of Youth Groups and held two online sessions on 'Town Planning

               in Hong Kong and Workshop' for more than 100 youngsters of the Hong Kong
               Young Ambassador Scheme.

             *  The City Gallery was partially opened from 1 to 28 January 2020; 6 May to 14 July 2020; and from 15 September to 1 December
                2020 taking account of Government’s health measures.

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