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Third Floor

            Moving onto the third floor, our new shows in the multi-purpose hall present
            in greater depth the key planning and infrastructure development initiatives of

            Hong Kong over the centuries and our vision of becoming a liveable city.  Along
            the seaside corridor, the interactive exhibits and digital display comprising three

            distinctive modular - the ‘Planning Timeline’, ‘Coastline and Skyline’ and ‘Street
            Name Stories’ highlight Hong Kong’s major development milestones, coastline

            and skyline, evolution and interesting stories about some of the streets in the
            urban area.  The technology-enhanced panels are equipped with motion sensors

            to enable visitors to explore the contents in a fun and touchless manner.

                           Planning Timeline

                                                                                     Coastline and Skyline
              Fourth Floor

              The fourth floor is designed with cosy and playful elements.  Book lovers would

              be thrilled to find the ‘mini-library’ collection of books featuring urban planning
              and related topics.  We also have children’s books and books with brailles.  You

              may choose to relax in the Community Lounge to read books or share with
              friends your planning insights.

              Our new games ‘Hong Kong Now and Then’ and ‘Parallel Travellers’ may

              appeal those who would like to explore the transformative images of Hong
              Kong.  You may also have fun in finding the ‘City Gallery logo’ in our diorama

              boxes of different themes in the ‘Treasure Hunt’ game.  Do not forget to take
              home your self-created visual image of Hong Kong in the ‘Let’s Plan Together’


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