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                                                                  Online Tour for HKFYG

                                                                         Summer Planning School

               During January 2020 to June 2021, the City Gallery has organised a number

               of online talks and tours to students of primary schools, secondary schools,
               tertiary education institutes and youth groups.  Several exhibitions were held

               at the City Gallery in 2020, including the ‘Hong Kong Institute of Planners
               Award 2019 and 2020’ and ‘Planning and Design Competition on Transitional

               Housing in Hong Kong’ organised by the Hong Kong Institute of Planners;
               ‘Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns’ organised by

               the Drainage Services Department; ‘Smart Planning in the Digital Era’ and
               'Planning for a Livable and Healthy City' Exhibition cum Summer Planning

               School organised by Planning Department; ‘Green Living@Lantau’ exhibition
               organised by the Sustainable Lantau Office, etc.  Online webinars reaching out

               various sectors included ‘HKIP x SIP Webinar on Planning for a Healthy City’,
               ‘Relocation of Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works to Caverns’, ‘Smart Planning

               in Digital Era’, and ‘Enriching Knowledge Series for Geography Curriculum’.
               We also extended collaboration with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth

               (HKFYG) to provide trainings for the Young Ambassadors.

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