Page 15 - nt_twk_en
P. 15

Recreation and Open Space

       About 300 ha of land have been zoned "Open Space" in the New Town for the provision of outdoor open-air
       public space for active and/or passive recreational uses serving the needs of local residents as well as the
       general public.

                                                Figure 30: Tsuen Wan Park

                                                                    Shing Mun Valley Park and Shing Mun Valley
                                                                   Sports Ground, Kwai Chung Sports Ground
                                                                  and Tsing Yi Sports Ground are the three major
                                                                  active recreational venues, where sports ground,
                                                                 swimming pool and a number of basketball and
                                                                volleyball courts are clustered.  Tsuen Wan Park
                                                                (Figure 30), Tsuen Wan Riviera Park, Tsing Yi Park
                                                               (Figure 31) and Tsing Yi Waterfront Promenade
                                                              (Figure 32) are the key open spaces for leisure.
                                                              They provide ornamental water features, garden
                                                             setting and children playing areas.  Tsuen Wan Park
                                                            and Tsuen Wan Riviera Park are located near Tsuen
                                                            Wan West Station (Tuen Ma Line) whereas Tsing Yi
                                                           Park and Tsing Yi Promenade are near Tsing Yi Station
                                                          (Tung Chung Line and Airport Express Line).  Other
                                                         major open spaces and recreational facilities include Tso
                                                         Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre in Tsuen Wan which
                                                        is a popular holiday camp; and Hong Kong Jockey Club
                                                       International Bicycle Motocross (BMX) (Figures 33 and 34)
                                                       Park in Kwai Chung which is the only international standard
                                                      BMX training field in Hong Kong.
                 Figure 31: Tsing Yi Park

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