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Industrial and Business                               Community and

           Zones                                                 Recreational Facilities

           The economic development pace of Hong Kong            The community and recreational facilities in
           is affected by various domestic and global            the New Town are generally sufficient to meet
           factors and keeps changing.  The Government           the population need.  Opportunity will be taken
           will continue to closely monitor the use of           to include more community and recreational
           industrial and business land, so as to take           facilities in new residential developments in
           appropriate action to increase land supply for        particular in public housing developments and
           developments through the land use planning            redevelopments.
                                                                 To help address the increasing demand for
                                                                 hospital facilities, the Kwai Chung Hospital
                                                                 is being redeveloped in phases (Figure
                                                                 41).  Upon completion of the redevelopment
                                                                 project, it is planned to provide 1 000 beds
                                                                 and rehabilitation facilities for delivery of a full
                                                                 range of psychiatric services.  The Lai King
                                                                 Building of Princess Margaret Hospital will also
                                                                 have a new extension block, with an increase
                                                                 of beds from 268 to 840 including beds for
                                                                 rehabilitation and palliative care services,
                                                                 expansion of diagnostic radiology service
                                                                 and increase in the capacity of geriatric day
                                                                 hospital with enhanced rehabilitation services.
                                                                 For the Yan Chai Hospital, a new building will
                                                                 be constructed to provide additional hospital
                                                                 beds using the existing open car park next to

         Figure 41: Redevelopment of Kwai Chung Hospital         the community health and wellness centre.
                                                                 The construction of Kwai Chung Park (Figure
                                                                 42) at the restored Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill
                                                                 sitewas commenced in Q4 2021.  Whenever
                                                                 opportunity arises, the Government will
                                                                 continue to reserve land along the waterfront
                                                                 area for leisure purpose and enjoyment of the

              Figure 42: Proposed Kwai Chung Park

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