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P. 12

Early 2001                                                  Late 2022
                             Figure 21: Industrial land in Kwai Chung rezoned to business use since early 2001

          Since 2001, more than 60 ha of industrial land have been rezoned from "Industrial" ("I") zone to "Other
          Specified Uses" annotated "Business" ("OU(B)") zone in Tsuen Wan New Town, including Tsuen Wan, Kwai
          Chung and Tsing Yi OZPs to guide and facilitate land use restructuring.  These sites are mainly located in Chai
          Wan Kok in Tsuen Wan; Castle Peak Road/Wo Yi Hop Road and Kwai Chung Road in Kwai Chung and Cheung
          Fai Road in Tsing Yi (Figure 21).

          The planning intention of "OU(B)" zone (Figure 22) is primarily for general business uses with a mix of
          information technology and telecommunications industries, and non-polluting industrial, office and other
          commercial uses in new business
          buildings.  Some new office buildings have
          gradually emerged and intermingled with
          old industrial buildings in this zone.

                                                               Figure 22: New office buildings intermingled with
                                                                   old industrial buildings in “OU(B)” zone

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