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Caring Organisation Logo

            The Hong Kong Council of Social Service awarded the 10 Years
            Plus Caring Organisation Logo (2022-23) to the Department,
            in recognition of the Department's commitment in caring for
            the community, caring for the employees and caring for the

            environment over the past years.

                                              Inclusive Organisation Logo

                                              The Department continued to participate in the Talent-Wise
                                              Employment Charter and Inclusive Organisations Recognition
                                              Scheme and implementation of measures to promote the
                                              employment of persons with disabilities.

            Promoting Employment of Persons with Disabilities

            In 2022, there were 16 people with disabilities employed by the Department.  The Department
            will continue to provide equal employment opportunities to persons with disabilities with a view
            to facilitating their integration into the community.

            Mental Health Friendly Organisation

            Since 2020, the Department has participated in the 'Mental Health Workplace Charter' (the
            Charter), which is implemented jointly by the Department of Health, Labour Department
            and Occupational Safety and Health Council.  The Charter aims to promote mental well-
            being at workplace including a respectful and positive environment, active listening and

            communication, encourage help-seeking, and facilitate early identification of mental distress
            and timely treatment.  Its goal is to create an inclusive and friendly workplace environment for
            colleagues with mental distress.  By signing the Charter, the Department vows to value and
            pledge in promoting a mental health-friendly workplace environment.  With the efforts paid in
            promoting mental well-being by the Department, we are recognised as a Mental Health Friendly
            Organisation under the Charter.

             Community Services / Activities

            During the year, the Department participated in a variety of community services / activities.

                               ORGANISER                                          EVENT
                                                                              Skip Lunch Day
                                                                           Green Low Carbon Day
                           The Community Chest
                                                                              Love Teeth Day
                                                                             Dress Casual Day
            75    PLANNING DEPARTMENT | ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023
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