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Our Staff

             Staff Development

            To widen our staff's exposure and keep them abreast of the current issues and global trends on
            planning development, we undertook the following activities in 2022:

              •  1 989 members of staff attended 104 job-related courses and seminars organised by

                  the Department;
              •  1 185 members of staff attended courses and seminars organised by the Civil Service
                  College and other government bureaux/departments;
              •  81 members of staff attended 19 Occupation Safety and Health related courses and
                  seminars run by the Civil Service College and other government bureaux/departments;
              •  89 members of staff attended 10 local conferences; and
              •  21 members of staff attended five online overseas conferences/seminars (including

                  REAL CORP 2022, the buildingSMART International Standards Summit 2022, the
                  Walk21 International Conference, the Smart City Expo World Congress 2022, and
                  the World Tunnel Congress 2022) and a joint departmental duty visit to the United

            Staff Relations and Welfare

            We maintain close communication with our staff by:

               •  holding Departmental Consultative Committee meeting with representatives from 26
                  grades at regular intervals to provide a channel of communication between the staff
                  and the management;
               •  having meetings with representatives of staff associations to discuss issues of concern
                  to staff; and
               •  publishing a staff newsletter, "Planning Voice", to report achievements, news and

                  views of staff.

                                                       Planning Voice
            73    PLANNING DEPARTMENT | ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81