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P. 32

Table 1        Overall Land Requirement and Supply Assessment

                                                     Land              Committed
                                                Requirement    (i)   LandSupply    (ii)   Land Shortfall
                                                      (ha)                 (ha)

             Housing Land                        1 850-2 020              1 340               510-680

             Economic Land                       1 080-1 190               370                710-820
             Policy-driven uses                     860-950                270                590-680

             Non-policy-driven uses                 220-240                100                120-140

             GIC Facilities, Open Space &        2 860-3 000              1 500            1 360-1 500
             Transport Infrastructure
             Policy-driven uses/ Major
             special facilities                   1 370-1 510              710                660-800

             Population-related facilities           1 490                 790                  700

                                                 5 790-6 210              3 210            2 580-3 000
                                               (say 5 800-6 200)       (say 3 200)       (say 2 600-3 000)

            (i)  The land requirement figures are only ballpark estimates.  The coverage of the updated
                 assessment is not exhaustive.  For instance, the non-policy-driven economic uses have
                 not included retail facilities as their demand is highly volatile and the majority of the

                 existing retail facilities in Hong Kong are not standalone developments.

            (ii)  The land supply figures are only ballpark estimates based on the assumption that
                 all the projects contributing towards the committed land supply will be implemented

                 smoothly according to the development scale and schedule proposed.

      29      PLANNING DEPARTMENT  │  ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
              PLANNING DEPARTMENT  │  ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
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