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Building Block 1 –
                           Enhancing Liveability in a Compact High-density City

            To enhance Hong Kong’s liveability in a compact high-density setting, we shall foster a city
            that caters for development and natural environment, which enables people to lead healthier
            and low-carbon lifes, brings people closer to our blue-green assets and encourages people

            of all ages and abilities to unleash their fullest potential.  We aspire to provide well-planned
            spatial layout to enable citizens’ equal access to the use and enjoyment of the city, and
            preserve the city’s uniqueness and diversity while well maintained our ageing city fabric with
            timely rejuvenation.  To achieve this, we promote Hong Kong as:

                a healthy and revitalised city through measures such as promoting active lifestyle,
                 providing adequate community facilities, improving microclimate, and facilitating
                 retrofitting of ageing neighbourhoods;

                a blue and green city that allows individuals to live in harmony with the nature and
                 reside within walking distance to blue or green leisure/recreational opportunity;

                an aspiring and supportive city that provides an enabling built-environment that is ‘pro-
                 child’, ‘pro-youth’, ‘pro-family’ and ‘pro-elderly’;

                an equitable and inclusive city that enables our population a decent level of living as
                 well as, easy reach to jobs, community facilities and public spaces; and

                an unique and diverse city where Hong Kong can become an international metropolis
                 for culture, arts, creativity, sports and events and be proud of its mix of culture,
                 landscapes and city experiences.

      25      PLANNING DEPARTMENT  │  ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
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