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P. 31


            Land Requirement and Supply Analysis

            ‘Hong Kong 2030+’ projects the latest demand and supply of land for three broad
            categories of land uses over the projection period (2019-2048), viz housing, economic
            uses, as well as uses covering Government, Institution and Community (GIC) facilities,
            open space and transport infrastructure (Table 1).  It is projected that the overall demand
            for land would be about 6 200 ha, considerably higher than the initial estimate of 4 800 ha

            suggested in 2016.  This is because the Government has taken a more visionary, forward
            looking and capacity creating approach in making the projection, assuming:

                 An enhancement in home space
                 when working out the overall land
                 requirement for accommodating
                 demand for an additional 1 million

                 housing units, which would translate
                 into average living space per person
                 at 20 m /215 ft  (after an assumed                Much stepped up demand for land
                 10% home space enhancement) and                   to drive economic development
                 22 m /237 ft  (after an assumed 20%               leveraging on the opportunities arising
                 home space enhancement)
                                                                   from the ‘National 14  Five-Year
                                                                   Plan’ and the ‘Outline Development
                                                                   Plan for the GBA’.  It has assumed,

                                                                   for instance, a demand of at least
                                                                   340 ha of land for promoting the

                Enhancement in the provision targets               development of science, innovation
                of GIC facilities, open space and                  and technology-related industries
                transport infrastructure.  For instance,

                the land per person ratio for open
                space has been increased to 3.5 m ,
                higher than the existing standard of
                2 m  2

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