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            In 2022, 1 886 warning letters/reminders, 1 625 enforcement notices, 490 reinstatement
            notices and 2 296 compliance notices were issued to responsible persons of UDs; there are no
            Stop Notices issued this year (Table 3).

            Table 3      Number of Warning Letters / Reminders and Notices Issued in 2022
                         by Geographical District

                                    Warning Letter /     Enforcement        Reinstatement        Compliance
                Geographical          Reminder              Notice              Notice             Notice
                   District          (No. of Cases)      (No. of Cases)      (No. of Cases)      (No. of Cases)

                 North West             947                 836                 208                1 061
                New Territories         (176)               (149)               (40)                (173)

                  North East            807                 690                 268                1 029
                New Territories         (149)               (104)               (44)                (133)

                                         98                  43                  14                 180
                  Sai Kung
                                        (13)                 (9)                 (5)                (29)

                                         34                  56                  0                   26
                                         (4)                 (6)                 (0)                 (5)

                    Total              1 886               1 625                490                2 296
                                        (342)               (268)               (89)                (340)

            On prosecution action, 102 summonses in respect of 52 cases were laid in 2022.  89
            defendants in respect of 43 cases were convicted under section 23(6) of the Town Planning
            Ordinance for non-compliance with notices issued by the Planning Authority (Table 4).

            Table 4      Number of Defendants Convicted in 2022

                  Convicted             No. of                               Range of Fine       Average Fine
                    Under             Defendants          No. of Cases      Per Defendant       Per Defendant

                   s.23(6)               89                  43           $2,500-$ 167,600        $ 48,080

                    Total                89                  43                   ---                 ---

             There are no defendants convicted under sections 20(7), 20(8) and 22(8) in 2022.
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92