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Our Performance

             Awards Received

            Awards Received

            Hong Kong Institute of Planners Greater Bay Area Planning Awards 2022

            - Excellent Planning Award

            “Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030”
            – New Impetus and Dimension for Sustainable Growth

            “Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending 2030” (“Hong Kong
            2030+”) provides a strategic spatial planning framework for the future planning, land and
            infrastructure development as well as the shaping of the built and natural environment of Hong

            Kong beyond 2030.  It has taken into account the global mega-trends, evolving local context
            and issues as well as the latest national and regional policy directives including the National
            14th Five-Year Plan and the Greater Bay Area (GBA) development.  The strategy is vision-

            oriented and places emphasis on three major interconnected building blocks, namely creating
            capacity to enhance liveability, embracing new economic opportunities and challenges, as well
            as creating capacity for sustainable growth.  The conceptual spatial framework has identified
            “two metropolises” and “two development axes” with a view to enabling Hong Kong to integrate
            with the development in Mainland China.  To bolster Hong Kong’s strategic location and key

            role to strengthen the international competitive edge of the GBA, “Hong Kong 2030+” promotes
            enhanced connectivity and functional integration with our neighbouring cities.

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