Page 49 - ar2023_en
P. 49

Envisioning Beyond Legacy Exhibition at the City Gallery  Focus

            The planning principles of the Kau Yi Chau
            Artificial Islands proposal, such as the 15-minute
            neighbourhood and eco-shoreline, were presented
            to visitors together with an interactive town

            planning game which facilitates an understanding
            of the layout planning of the artificial islands
            and the considerations involved.  The game also
            worked as an effective platform for collecting
            public opinions on the land uses of the future
            artificial islands in a smart and interactive manner.

                                                                     “Building the Islands of the Future”,
                                                                     an interactive town planning game

                     A Collective Effort

            The exhibition had counted on the participation of more than 20 government bureaux/
            departments and organisations, and their contribution of information on various projects,
            which added to the diversity and comprehensiveness of the exhibition.

            The LED interactive map also made use of

            orthophotos from the Lands Department and
            information on existing and future transport
            networks provided by relevant departments.
            Visitors standing on the platform could have
            a complete overview of such images and

            The interactive screens centering on the theme
            of “Three Development Directions” showcased
            40-plus projects covering people’s livelihood,
            transport and infrastructure.  It facilitated public
            recognition of the efforts made by governemtn
            bureaux/ departments and organisations.

            The “Building the Islands of the Future” was an
            interactive town planning game jointly developed
            with the Civil Engineering and Development
            Department.  It gave visitors an understanding of
            the layout planning of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial
            Islands and the considerations involved.

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