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P. 47

Envisioning Beyond Legacy Exhibition at the City Gallery  Focus

            To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the return of Hong
            Kong’s sovereignty to China, the Development Bureau and
            the Department jointly held a special exhibition, themed

            “Envisioning Beyond Legacy”, at the City Gallery.  The exhibition
            opened in early July 2022 and lasted for around six months.  It
            was a review of Hong Kong’s achievements in town planning
            and infrastructure developments in the past 25 years, whilst
            envisioning the future development and promoting the vision
            for Hong Kong to become a liveable,
            competitive and sustainable Asia’s
            World City.

                   A top view of the outdoor
                 exhibition showing a figure
                 of “25”, which denotes the
 Envisioning Beyond Legacy   establishment of the Hong Kong
                    25th anniversary of the
              Special Administrative Region.

 Exhibition                              Beyond Legacy” exhibition banner
                                             City Gallery and “Envisioning

            The exhibition aimed to strengthen public understanding of Hong Kong’s town planning
 at the City Gallery  and infrastructure developments, and spark public thinking and exchanges on our future

            developments.  The event also served as a conduit for showcasing Hong Kong’s unique
            advantages of having the strong support of the Motherland while engaging with the
            world.  Not only did the exhibition tell the good stories of Hong Kong from the planning
            and infrastructure development perspectives, it also brought out a message that upon the
            foundation of our past achievements, that with confidence and aspiration, as well as our

            unrelenting efforts in town planning and infrastructure development, Hong Kong could look
            forward to a bright and beautiful future.

                   Review and Outlook

            The “Review and Outlook” zone on the ground floor of
            the gallery featured a 2-minute short video simulating a
            time tunnel which would show to visitors a kaleidoscope
            of major events in Hong Kong since 1997 to date.  The
            270-degree video show with original thematic music created

            an atmosphere which turned memories into a forward
            momentum envisioning that with confidence and capitalising             Review and Outlook zone
            on the advantages of Hong Kong and the opportunities for
            integrating into the overall development of the country, Hong
            Kong could turn a new chapter of vision and hope.
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