Page 41 - ar2023_en
P. 41

Reimagining Public Spaces in Hong Kong  Focus

            Pilot Cases

            The Study has identified a few potential public spaces and proposed conceptual designs to

            illustrate the application of the design guidelines.
                                                               I     Public Space in Wong Chuk Hang

            Wong Chuk Hang has been transformed into a business area with large-scale residential
            developments to be completed.  Taking into account the demand for open spaces of the

            additional residential and employment population and the advantages from the revitalisation of
            Staunton Creek Nullah, the Study has identified the public space adjoining Tai Wong Ye Temple
            near MTR Wong Chuk Hang Station with potential for beautification.

                   The pilot scheme area is adjacent to the           Spontaneous placement of chairs by
                   Tai Wong Ye Temple with natural shading            the locals to be public seating.
                   provided by a viaduct.

            To showcase the design principles such as place making, flexible design, comfort, accessibility
            and permeability, biophilia and resilience, the Study Team proposed conceptual designs such
            as installing featured railing, providing flexible “street furniture” and offering more seats for

            visitors.  The design concepts of the Study Team have been gradually realised through the close
            collaboration with the Invigorating Island South Office of the Development Bureau and other
            works departments.

                   The design theme of a Chinese dragon              Benches are provided for visitors to rest
                   for viaduct column is in line with the            near the water body to be revitalised.
                   ambience of the Tai Wong Ye Temple.
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