Page 39 - ar2023_en
P. 39

Reimagining Public Spaces in Hong Kong  Focus

            Design Guidelines

            Furthermore, the Study has recommended six major design guidelines to create high-quality

            public space for people to walk, stay and enjoy:

                        Place-making and Functions

                                                                      Pocket open space at Queen’s Road East,
                                                                                   Wan Chai
              Open space should consider site context, local
              identities, as well as users and usage pattern, and
              seek opportunities to augment overall place-making
              impact with holistic consideration of the uses and
              design of its adjoining spaces to promote synergy and
              vibrancy. Its design should flexibly provide active and
              passive functions within an open space and encourage
              vibrancy at the area fronting the main street with
              visual connections to pedestrians at street level. Areas
              for public recreation or social activities could also be
              created as open spaces on a temporary or time-sharing

                        Play, Flexible and Active Design

                                                                        Yi Pei Square Playground, Tsuen Wan
              Open space design should cater for more flexible and
              adaptive uses to create more possibilities.  A range of
              dynamic play options with provision of multi-purpose
              and spontaneous play space for shared use by people
              of different ages and abilities should be considered
              in the design. Active design should also be adopted
              to encourage physical activities, which is conducive to
              promoting health and well-being (e.g. provision of cycle
              path, stairs and ramps, where appropriate).

                        All-inclusive and Inter-generational Design

                                                                                 Tuen Mun Park
              The needs and activities for people of different ages,
              ethnic groups and abilities should be considered
              in designing the space and types of facilities within
              an open space to foster a sense of community. Co-
              sharing of open space among different users should be
              encouraged where appropriate.

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