Page 11 - ar2023_en
P. 11

Events in Brief

                           Ma Tso Lung and Other Sites in Kwu Tung North NDA
                                      and North District – Feasibility Study

            NMDS recommended that the agricultural land and slope areas in Ma Tso Lung to the north of
            Kwu Tung North New Development Area (KTN NDA) can be included within the NDA to provide

            an additional 12 000 to 13 500 residential units and the area can serve as an intersection
            linking the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Innovation and Technology Park and the KTN NDA, providing
            I&T enterprises with convenient community service and daily life support.  At the same time,
            some land parcels of the NDA should be reviewed by shifting the land use function to the San
            Tin Technopole.  The feasibility of potential housing sites near Ng Tung River should also be
            ascertained.  In this connection, the Department and CEDD jointly commissioned a feasibility
            study in October 2022 to formulate a Preliminary Outline Development Plan to guide the future
            development of the area.

                                     Kwu Tung North New Development Area and Ma Tso Lung

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