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            of land uses and enhancement of walkability.  The To Kwa Wan Road/Wing Kwong
            Street project will be integrated with a number of ongoing redevelopment projects in the

            vicinity under the district-based urban renewal approach to achieve a holistic planning.
            The Cheung Wah Street/Cheung Sha Wan Road project involves re-planning for the
            development of a new government complex, where a new Sports Centre will be provided
            for replacing the Cheung Sha Wan Sports Centre.

            Following the recently completed District Study for Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok, the
            Department will continue to work closely with the URA on plan making to step up urban
            renewal in the area through the relaxation of development restrictions and the application

            of new planning tools including transfer of plot ratio and interchangeability in domestic and
            non-domestic plot ratio in suitable redevelopment projects.

                                Cheung Wah Street/Cheung Sha Wan Road Development Scheme Site

            Planning Studies

            Planning studies play a vital role in the formulation of development strategies and
            planning standards and the preparation of town plans.  They serve primarily as a means

            to investigate, analyse or address planning issues, formulate planning visions, intentions
            or concepts, and provide a basis for formulating and evaluating proposals.  Appendix 2
            shows the major consultancy studies undertaken by the Department in 2021.

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