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Building Age, Ownership and Condition

            About two thirds of the IBs (i.e. 880 IBs) were built before
            1987 and about 60% were situated in “I” and “OU(B)”                 Majority of the pre-1987
            zones in metro areas.  More than 28% of the pre-1987                IBs under single
            IBs (i.e. 254 IBs) were under single ownership  , mainly            ownership are located in
            in Eastern Kowloon and Tsuen Wan.  Despite the aging                Eastern Kowloon and
            stock, most of the IBs were in fair (about 89%) or good             Tsuen Wan
            (about 7%) condition.


            The overall vacancy rates  of private flatted factories and private storage buildings in 2020
            were 6.4% and 5.4% respectively.  Vacancy rates have been maintained at relatively low
            level (below or equal to 6.8%) since 2015.


            An on-site survey to collect information of IBs was conducted from December 2019 to

            December 2020.  The findings are approximated from the surveyed units (some 45 753
            units) under stratified sampling.


            The predominant uses of IBs were still industrial, occupying more than half
            (about 58%) of total IB floorspace

            Nearly half of the IB floorspace

            was occupied by warehouse/
            storage (Figure 2).  The overall
            usage pattern is similar to that
            of 2014 noting the share of

            office decreasing from 28%
            to 25% with a corresponding
            increase in other non-industrial
            uses (e.g. shops and services).

                                                                    Figure 2: Overall Uses in IBs
            1.  Source: the Land Registry (data as at June 2020).
            2.  Source: Rating and Valuation Department’s Hong Kong Property Review
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