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(d)  Lo Wu/Man Kam To Comprehensive Development Node (LW/MKT CDN)

                 The area has potential for housing and commercial uses by releasing land after co-
                 location of Lo Wu BCP on the Shenzhen side and provision of a new Lo Wu (South)


            (e)  New Territories North New Town (NTN New Town)

                 The NTN New Town covers Heung Yuen Wai, Ping Che, Ta Kwu Ling, Hung Lung
                 Hang and Queen’s Hill.  Apart from housing development, this New Town is suitable for

                 a range of economic uses, including industrial, innovation and technology, commercial/
                 business and modern logistics.

            (f)  Opening-up of Sha Tau Kok Town

                 It is proposed to gradually open up Sha Tau Kok Pier for eco-tourism and further open
                 up Sha Tau Kok Town (except Chung Ying Street) in the longer term to pave way for
                 sustainable eco-recreation/tourism in Kat O Hoi and Yan Chau Tong.

            The Western Economic Corridor

            The Western Economic Corridor leverages on the international gateway functions in the
            western part of the territory and the future opportunities to be brought about by the new

            CBD at KYC Artificial Islands.  The Corridor covers the Northwest New Territories in the
            north (including HSK/HT NDA, Lung Kwu Tan reclamation, Tuen Mun West (including
            the redevelopment of River Trade Terminal) and Lam Tei Quarry site), North Lantau in the
            middle (Airport City and Sunny Bay reclamation) and KYC Artificial Islands in the south.

                                                  Western Economic Corridor

      35      PLANNING DEPARTMENT  │  ANNUAL REPORT 2021-2022
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