Page 19 - ar2022_en
P. 19


             Land Use Review Study for Ngau Tam Mei Area – Feasibility


             With a view to making better use of the existing brownfield cluster in the Ngau Tam
             Mei Area and unleashing the potential development opportunities brought by the
             proposed Ngau Tam Mei Station of the Northern Link, the Department and CEDD jointly
             commissioned a land use review study for Ngau Tam Mei area in November 2021.  The

             Study will ascertain the feasibility of comprehensive development of the area, propose
             broad land uses, identify supporting infrastructure, and recommend necessary follow-up
             study and possible implementation approach.

                         The land use of the existing brownfield sites in Ngau Tam Mei Area will be reviewed under
                                 the Land Use Review Study for Ngau Tam Mei Area – Feasibility Study

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