Page 96 - ar2021_en
P. 96

econoMic PerforMance

               Territorial Planning

               The Department has undertaken territorial planning and planning studies,

               including researches with a cross-boundary dimension, to provide guidance
               and direction for long-term development in Hong Kong.

               Taking into account the public views received during the public engagement

               and noting the broad support to many of the proposed directions set out in
               the 'Hong Kong 2030+: Towards a Planning Vision and Strategy Transcending

               2030', the Department, in collaboration with the relevant bureaux and
               departments, is strengthening the research and analysis on a number of topics

               and refining the proposals.  In tandem, Consultants are finalising the technical
               assessments, including the Transport and Land Use Assessment, the Strategic

               Environmental Assessment and the Sustainability Assessment, in support of
               the formulation of the preferred spatial development pattern.  To update the

               demand forecast and land requirement for various market-driven economic
               uses in Hong Kong, we have commissioned the ‘Review of Land Requirement

               for Market-driven Economic Uses’.

               With a view to optimising the use of land resources, we are conducting a new

               round of area assessments of industrial land in the territory.  In 2020, the on-

               site questionnaire surveys under the industrial land assessments were largely
               completed.  In parallel, we have been reviewing suitable long-term alternative
               uses for vacant school premises after the Education Bureau has confirmed

               that the sites are no longer required for school use.

               In 2020, we continued to monitor the interaction between Hong Kong and the
               Mainland.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the new round of Cross-

               boundary Travel Survey would be postponed to 2021.

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