Page 106 - ar2021_en
P. 106

In 2020, 1 782 warning letters/reminders, 1 576 enforcement notices, 1 176

            reinstatement notices, 43 stop notices and 2 721 compliance notices were issued to
            responsible persons of UDs (Table 3).

             Table 3      Number of Warning Letters / Reminders and Notices Issued in

                          2020 by Geographical District

                         Warning Letter      Enforcement      Reinstatement          Stop           Compliance
       Geographical        / Reminder           Notice            Notice            Notice             Notice
                         (No. of Cases)     (No. of Cases)    (No. of Cases)    (No. of Cases)     (No. of Cases)

       North                  1 163              996                772               43               1 739
       West New
       Territories            (235)              (204)             (113)              (2)              (264)

       North                   520                418               307                                 795
       East New                                                                       ---
       Territories            (171)              (104)              (90)                               (184)

                               72                 103               89                                  152
       Sai Kung                                                                       ---
                              (24)                (17)              (16)                                (23)

                               27                 59                 8                                   35
       Islands                                                                        ---
                               (6)                (11)              (2)                                  (8)

                              1 782              1 576             1 176               43              2 721
                              (436)              (336)             (221)              (2)              (479)

   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110