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aPPendix 3

            Statistics  of  Enforcement  and  Prosecution  Actions
            Undertaken in 2020

            In 2020, the Central Enforcement and Prosecution Section of the Department

            investigated a total of 1 964 suspected unauthorised developments (UDs) in the
            rural New Territories.  Among these, 493 were confirmed to be UDs.  After taking

            enforcement and prosecution actions, 365  UDs (covering about 58 hectares of
            land) were discontinued.  Moreover, a total of eight UD cases (covering about 2

            ha of land) were subsequently obtained planning permission through the planning
            application system (Table 1).

             Table 1      Number of Unauthorised Developments Discontinued or

                          Obtained Planning Permission in 2020 after Enforcement Actions
                          by Geographical District

                                               No. of Discontinued Cases         No. of Cases Obtained
                  Geographical District
                                                           (ha)                Planning Permission (ha)

              North West New                               218                              7
              Territories                                (37.67)                          (1.75)

              North East New                               125                              1
              Territories                                (17.38)                          (0.04)

              Sai Kung                                                                     ---

              Islands                                                                      ---

                                                           365                              8
                                                         (57.97)                          (1.79)

            In 2020, enforcement actions were being taken against 756  UDs.  The geographical
            distribution of these UDs (with land area involved) by type is shown in Table 2

            while Chart 1 indicates the percentage of UDs by type.

             *     Including those cases carried forward from 2019

   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109