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Landscape and Open Space Design

          In TCE, the open space system is planned along
          the major wind paths.  As part of a comprehensive
          circulation strategy, the Linear Parks perform as both
          open space amenities and pedestrian routes.  The
          Central Green is designed to form the focus of the
          landscape framework for the area providing a signature,
          high quality open space corridor through the heart of
          the development and is accessible to all (Figure 25).
          Distinctive urban design features such as the plaza
          in the Metro Core Area and focal points/waterfront
          parks at the waterfront promenade are incorporated to
          serve as activity nodes and event venues.  The 12km
          waterfront promenade with cycle track and footpath will
          create strong linkages within the TCE and with the town
          centre area.

                                                                  Figure 25: Open Space Network in Tung Chung East

          Preserve the Rural Character of Tung Chung Valley

          In TCW, to preserve the rural character and
          features of Tung Chung Valley, Tung Chung
          Bay (Figure 26) and Tung Chung Stream
          (Figure 27) which possess high ecological
          value are designated for conservation
          purposes.  Only areas among villages with
          low ecological value are proposed for low-
          density residential development.  Opportunity
          is also taken to develop a river park along
          some sections of Tung Chung Stream in
          order to retain the existing natural landscape,   Figure 26: Tung Chung Valley
          ecological or topographic features of the Tung
          Chung Stream for preservation, educational
          and research purposes.

                                                                 Figure 27: Tung Chung Stream

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