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Vibrant Waterfront and Streets

            Marina, hotel and associated commercial
            developments are proposed near the waterfront
            to enhance vibrancy (Figure 21).  Local retail
            uses and eating places are planned fronting
            the Central Green and waterfront parks, and
            along the Linear Parks and the main streets
            forming key pedestrian spines and activities
            corridors.  They are intended to create street
            vibrancy and enhance the activities on the
            ground floor and provide opportunities for
            local residents to open up small business, and
            to create a generous spatial experience where
            retail and dining are combined with the open             Figure 21: Waterfront in Tung Chung East
            spaces for recreation and leisure.

            Building Height Strategy

            With consideration of the Airport Height Restriction and specific regard to the adjacent features, stepped
            building height (BH) profile is adopted by which BHs are gradually reduced from the mountain backdrop
            to the waterfront (Figures 22 and 23).  The concept could also enable views to be maximised from various
            residential areas towards the sea and to avoid creation of ‘wall-building’.

                                        Figure 22: Urban Design Concept of Tung Chung East

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