Landscape Value Mapping Study
Survey Point Ref: Surveyor: Date: Time: Weather: Sun / Overcast / Rain / Mist Field Record Station Ref.: LCA Ref: Photo Ref.: GPS Location: DESCRIPTION
Location Topography Relief Topographic Features Rural (Coastal) Plain Flat Badland Rural (Inland) Isolated hill Undulating Man-made Slope/Terraces Rural Fringe (Coastal) Lowland Rolling / Hilly Beach Rural Fringe (Inland) Ridges / spurs / hillsides Steep Scarp/Cliff Urban Fringe (Coastal) Valley N/A Rocky coast Urban Fringe (Inland) Peak Sandy shore Urban (Coastal) Reclamation Torr / Isolated Boulder Urban (Inland) Island Boulder field Marine Plateau Crags N/A Knolls Island None Dominant Landcover and Landscape Elements:
Predominant Built Form Built-form Pattern Significant Land Uses Vernacular Features Other Elements Vegetation Hydrology Communications High-rise Orthogonal Commercial Temple Quay / Jetty Scattered trees Stream Footpath Medium-rise Structured Residential Church Power station Street trees River Track Low-rise Organic Infrastructure Fortification Quarry Tree clumps Reservoir Lane Mixed Scattered Industrial Pagoda Fields Woodland Nullah Road None Isolated Mixed retail with residential Historic building (rural) Dam Plantation Waterfall Highway Mixed retail with commercial Nucleated Storage / warehouse Historic building (urban) Anchorage Mangrove Mudflats Railway None Undeveloped Walled village Shipping Scrub Ponds Tramway / Light rail Institutional Salt pans Landfill Grassland Gei wai Highway interchange Active arable agriculture Graves Cemetery Freshwater marsh Fish farm Tunnel entrance Disused arable agriculture Squatter settlement Airport Salt marsh Marina Bridge Livestock Village Service Reservoir Amenity planting Typhoon shelter Footbridge Amenity open space Monastery/ nunnery Ash lagoon Managed grassland Catchwater Vehicle car park Other Public open space Fruit trees Lagoon Toll plaza Ongoing development Golf course Marine channel PTI Retail Youth camp / hostel Railway Station Powerline Residential development Telecom station Sea wall Aesthetic and Perceptual Factors
SCALE: Intimate Moderate Large Huge FORM : Straight Angular Curved Sinuous UNITY: Coherent Interrupted Fragmented Chaotic PATTERN: Dominant Strong Broken Weak VARIETY: Uniform Simple Varied Complex ENCLOSURE: Expansive Open Enclosed Constrained HARMONY: Harmonious Balanced Disharmonious Discordant MOVEMENT: Still Calm Busy Frantic FINISH: Manicured Smooth Managed Degraded COLOUR: Monochrome Muted Colorful Garish REMOTENESS: Crowded Populated Remote Wilderness SECURITY: Comfortable Safe Unsettling Threatening SENSORY STIMULI: Windy Smelly Noisy Tranquil PLEASURE: Offensive Unpleasant Pleasant Beautiful Brief Description including character and Significant Landscape Features__________________________________________________________________________________
____ Good ____ Moderate ____ Poor
____Conservation ____ Enhancement ____ Reconstruction
Significant Relief? Yes No Diversity of Land Use High Moderate Low
Significant Tree Cover? Yes No Visual Exposure to other LCAs High Moderate Low
Type of Potential Development Sensitive Not Sensitive N/A High-rise Commercial Low-rise Commercial or Institutional Industrial or Port-related High-rise Residential Medium Rise Residential Low -rise residential Storage / Warehousing Major highway or Railway Reclamation Quarry or Landfill Golf Course
Overall LCA Value High High(Qualified) Moderate Low
Exceptional Issues Relating to Landscape Value: __________________________________________________________________________________
Key Natural Resource with visual landscape manifestation; Key Heritage Feature with visual landscape manifestation; Distinctiveness: Rarity: Common Unusual Infrequent Unique
Unique Condition: Poor Moderate Good
Unique Features Contributing to Distinctiveness: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Scenic Value: Relief High Low
Visual Complexity High Moderate Low
Visual Coherence High Moderate Low
Effects of adjoining LCAs + -
Night-time Effects + -
Presence of water + -* Indicate whether the presence of the particular quality/feature has a positive or negative effect on landscape value
TrendSignificant Landscape Change Ongoing? Yes No
If 'Yes', this is due to _________________________________________________________________________________