Table 4.3 Key Items Stored in Preliminary Landscape Character Map Attribute Table

Category File Name Description Data Source (or basis of Derivation)  Data Type
Geomorphology and Topography  GEO_GEOLOGY  Solid and superficial geology at various scales  Derived from GEO geological dataset  LINE, POLYGON
  GEO_BEACH Gazetted and non-gazetted beaches.  Derived from AFCD's Habitat Map  POINT, POLYGON
  GEO_CONTOUR Contour lines with heights. Derived from LIC 1:20,000 topographic data (used in preference to 1:10,000 data for computation time reasons)  LINE
  GEO_SPOTHT  Spot heights. Derived from LICs 1:20000 topographic data (used in preference to 1:10,000 data for computation time reasons)  POINT
  GEO_RELIEF Slope tops and bottoms.  Derived from LICs 1:1,000 data   LINE
  GEO_DEM Digital Elevation Model Derived from LIC 1:20,000 topographic data (used in preference to 1:10,000 data for computation time reasons)  GRID
  GEO_ORTHOPHOTO Digital orthophoto of Hong Kong LIC Orthophoto  IMAGE
Hydrological features HYD_RIVER Rivers and streams. Derived from LIC 1:5,000 topographic data used to assist in interpretation. 
  HYD_COAST Coastline 
Derived from 1:5,000 topographic data  LINE
  HYD_COAST_DIST Distance to Coastline (derived)  Derived from 1:5,000 topographic data POLYGON
Vegetation Types         
  VEG_GSWB Polygons of Grassland, Shrubland, Woodland and Badlands  Derived from PlanD Broad Landuse Map  Polygon
Ecological Habitats ECO_INTERTIDAL Polygons representing locations of intertidal LCTs such as mudflat and mangrove. Derived from AFCD habitat map. POLYGON
  ECO_COASTTYPE Coastline categorised into various natural types. 
Derived from AFCD Habitat Map LINE, POLYGON
    Road and Street Patterns ROAD Roads.  Derived from LIC 1:1:5,000 data for presentation purpose only.  LINE
Railways RAILWAY Railways.  Derived from LIC 1:1:5,000 data for presentation purpose only. LINE
Building Footprint/ Height  BUILDING  Buildings with heights where available.  Derived from LIC B5,000 and BG1,000 datasets POLYGON
Land Use LU_OZPZONE Outline Zoning Plan PlanD OZPs  POLYGON
  LU_LANDUSE Broad Land-use of Hong Kong PlanD Broad Landuse of Hong Kong dataset POLYGON
  LU_SBVC2001 Street block boundaries From PlanD SBVC2001 data set POLYGON
  LU_FISHPOND Gei Wei fish ponds from AFCD’s Habitat Map  POLYGON
  LU_VILLAGE   Village boundaries from OZP. POLYGON
Historical Sites HIST_ARCHSITE Archaeologically significant sites.  From LCSD. POINT, LINE, POLYGON
  HIST_HERITAGESITE  Heritage buildings and sites. From LCSD. POINT, POLYGON

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