Consultation Strategy and Activities

3.1     In fact, consultation on the Study commenced a long time ago. Before the Study commenced, the TPB, HKILA and the Planning Sub-Committee of the Lands and Building Advisory Committee were consulted on the scope of the Study. Shortly after the Study commenced, a workshop was held with relevant government departments and interested parties, professional, institutes and academics to gauge their initial ideas on the Study methodology. Technical reports prepared for the Study were provided to the HKILA, HKIP and academics of universities to seek their further professional advice.

3.2     The objective of the First Stage Consultation was to elicit public feedback on:

3.3     For the purpose of consulting the public on the initial study findings, which are very technical in nature, a two-pronged consultation strategy was used.

3.4     Firstly, an Information Pamphlet was produced, which provided a synopsis of the study background and its findings. This was written in simple language, easily understood by the general public. The pamphlet was distributed through District Offices, public libraries and the Planning Enquiry Counter of Planning Department.

3.5     Secondly, a Consultation Digest was produced which, contained more substantive and technical information on the initial study findings. This Consultation Digest would be of interest principally to main stakeholders, including Statutory and Advisory Boards/Committees, professional institutions, Government Departments and other relevant organisations with a specific interest in the environment and landscape. Copies of the Consultation Digest were distributed to relevant bodies.

3.6     Both documents were also available on Planning Department's web site and feedback was invited by post, fax or e-mail. A list of written submissions is contained in Appendix A of this Report. 

3.7     Stakeholders were invited to participate in a Focus Group Workshop, held on 20th July 2002. At this Workshop, members of the public aired their views and discussed issues relevant to the Study with the Study Team Members. A full list of those invited to the Focus Group Workshop and a list of participants in the Workshop are included in Appendix B and Appendix C respectively.  In some cases, follow-up meetings were held with some consultees at their request. 

3.8     The consultation process also included a number of presentations to Statutory and Advisory Boards/Committees and professional institutions with an interest in the environment and landscape. Special briefings were offered to the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, the Hong Kong Institute of Environmental Impact Assessment, the Hong Kong Institute of Landscape Architects and the Hong Kong Institute of Planners. 

3.9     A full list of the presentations and activities which were held as part of the First Stage Consultation is presented in Appendix D.

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