Page 11 - ar2022_en
P. 11


            We are committed to enhancing the quality of our built environment .  In
            planning new development areas, we have applied smart, green and resilient measures and
            adopted the enhanced open space provision of 3.5m  per person.  We have made good
            progress on the two studies complementing HK2030+’s strategic vision of shaping a more
            active, healthy and revitalised city.  The “Study on Active Design for Healthier Lifestyle –
            Feasibility Study” was largely completed in 2021, and a set of Active Design Guidelines was
            formulated.  For the “Reimagining Public Spaces in Hong Kong” Study, we are refining the
            recommendations taking into account the comments received from different stakeholders.  All

            these would help create a more liveable, healthy and sustainable city.

            To further enhance the speed and efficiency of land creation, we are
            working with Development Bureau to review the statutory planning procedures with a view
            to streamlining the development process.  We are also exploring measures to strengthen
            enforcement power through legislative amendments so that certain rural areas with high

            ecological value but subject to development pressure and environmental degradation can be
            protected.  We target to introduce the legislative amendments in 2022.

            We continued to engage the community stakeholders  proactively during the
            year.  The City Gallery, managed by the Department, has provided both onsite and online
            platforms for showcasing the planning and infrastructure developments of Hong Kong.  The
            City Gallery is also a venue for organising webinars and workshops for local, Mainland and

            overseas audience.  This year, we are honoured to receive the Certificate of Merit of the Hong
            Kong Institute of Planners Awards on the “City Gallery Revamping Project”.  The award is an
            appreciation of our colleagues’ hard work and a recognition of the outstanding quality of our
            City Gallery’s services.

            I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to all my colleagues.  Our
            achievements in the past year were only possible due to the unwavering dedication and

            diligence of our staff.  For this year in particular, my sincere gratitude also extends to colleagues
            with their all-out efforts to participate in various anti-epidemic duties whilst continuing with
            ongoing work assiduously.  I have full confidence that with our vision, professionalism,
            determination and commitment, we shall be able to embrace the challenges ahead and
            strive for making Hong Kong a liveable, competitive and sustainable “Asia's World City”.

            Ivan Chung, JP

            Director of Planning

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