1.1.1         In October 2001, Urbis Limited was commissioned by Planning Department to conduct the Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong. Urbis is supported by ERM Hong Kong Limited, Stephen Brown Landscape Architecture and EcoSchemes Asia Limited.


1.1.2           Landscape is a vital part of our environment and is one of the most important components of our quality of life. In the broadest sense, it commonly refers to the appearance of the land cover, but also includes such components as its shapes, textures and colours, and reflects the way in which these various components combine to create specific patterns and pictures that are distinctive to particular localities. It encompasses the whole of the natural and man-made environment, urban and rural. The patterns and textures of buildings, streets, open spaces and trees, and their interrelationships within the built environment are each important parts of our wider landscape heritage.

1.1.3         Hong Kong has extensive undeveloped tracts of natural landscapes with different landscape character. Some of these areas contain a diverse habitat supporting numerous native plant species and a varied wildlife, both resident and migratory. In addition, there is a long history of human settlement and a variety of cultural relics associated with the settlement.

1.1.4         In many countries, especially in Europe, comprehensive landscape assessments often form part of the land use planning process. In the United Kingdom, for example, landscape character maps have been prepared at national, regional, country and local levels. In Hong Kong, no comprehensive landscape assessment for the whole territory has ever been undertaken.

1.1.5         The Metroplan Landscape Strategy for the Urban Fringe and Coastal Areas, which was published in 1989, was an early attempt to look into the landscape character of the Metropolitan urban fringe and coastal areas, and provide a framework for its conservation and enhancement. With the rapid pace of development in Hong Kong, the strategy needs to be reviewed and updated.

1.1.6         Area specific and project based landscape assessments have also, from time to time, been undertaken, mainly in connection with individual studies (such as the sub-regional planning studies) or projects (such as the landscape and visual impact assessments submitted under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO)). While those assessments can provide useful background information, they are generally conducted for a specific purpose and at a local scale and thus, not territory-wide comprehensive in nature.

                NEED FOR THE STUDY

1.1.7         With an increasing emphasis on sustainable development, there is a need to integrate consideration of economic, social and environmental issues into the planning and development process. To assist such process, the Study on Sustainable Development for the 21st Century (SUSDEV21) has developed indicators for measurement of the development impact of projects.

1.1.8        In the absence of comprehensive information on the existing conditions of landscape resources in Hong Kong, the SUSDEV21 study has not yet established an indicator against which the landscape baseline conditions can be monitored. This Study is carried out to fill this information gap.

                STUDY OBJECTIVES

1.1.9         The main Study objective is to establish the essential landscape baseline information that will provide a systematic reference framework to facilitate landscape assessment and broad environmental assessment of major projects at a territorial level.

1.1.10        More specifically, the Study objectives are:

  1. Fill the gap of the existing information and aggregate all available information for a better understanding of the landscape resources in Hong Kong, both in terms of quality and quantity;

  1. Establish the baseline conditions of the existing landscape resources, both in the urban and rural areas, as a benchmark against which future changes can be assessed;

  1. Establish a systematic classification system of landscape resources and identify specific landscape character types and areas for production of a landscape character map;

  1. Establish consistent evaluative criteria which will allow measurement and evaluation of the sensitivity and importance of landscape character types and areas; and

  1. Recommend a suitable indicator for broad landscape impact assessment of major development projects which can be incorporated in the sustainability evaluation process.


1.1.11       The Study area covers the urban and rural landscape of the whole Hong Kong SAR.


1.2.1         TR5 presents the results of two of the Study's tasks: these are Tasks 8 (Data Analysis) and Task 9 (Draft Landscape Character Map).

1.2.2        It follows on from TR4A and TR4 which presented the findings of the Field Survey component of the Study.

1.2.3        The objectives of TR5 as stated in the Study Brief are as follows:

                "Task 8: Data Analysis

Analyze the information and data gathered from the desk top study and field survey, divide landscape into areas of distinct recognizable and consistent character, group areas of similar character together, and refine the delineation of the boundaries of the LCT and LCA, in consultation with relevant Government departments. Such information and data shall be verified against each other, with any discrepancies rectified.

                Task 9: Draft Landscape Character Map

  1. Refine and revise the classification of LCT and LCA, including their name codes and boundaries.

  1. Detailed factual descriptions of the components which contribute to and define the landscape character shall be prepared and be supplemented by maps and appropriate illustrations, including photographic records, plans, tables and figures. These descriptions should be accompanied by a separate list of the key characteristics, types and extent, of each LCT and LCA.

  1. Refine and revise the landscape evaluative criteria and recommend the most suitable indicator for systematic and objective landscape impact assessment.

  1. Identify the sensitivity of each LCT and LCA, and their ability to accommodate changes. Classify different LCT and LCA into different sensitivity ratings on the basis of their sensitivity to changes and highlight any particular importance of their attributes.

  1. Prepare a draft landscape character map….in GIS format compatible with that used in the sustainability evaluation tool developed under the SUSDEV21 Study (see Annex 5). GIS map processing software, to be agreed by the DR, shall be used to prepare a final interpretation and presentation of the map.

  1. A stand-alone GIS shall be developed and utilized in dealing with the different layers of information to be mapped, calculating the extent, assessing their inter-relationships and linking each LCT and LCA with:

  • Their associated database and relevant attribute tables;

  • Their photographic records taken at vantage points;

  • A system for data storage and retrieval of written description and illustration.

  1. The number of information layers to be included in the GIS and how the database and photographic records should be organised shall be subject to the agreement of the DR. The database and photographic records should be in a format that can be easily updated and refined when more information is available."

1.2.4        Amongst the key products of this phase of the Study are:


1.3.1        The following report structure has been used:

1.3.2        Chapter 2 provides a review of the final landscape classification and evaluation system established as part of TR1 and TR2, as well as guidelines on the completion of field data record sheets.

1.3.3        Chapter 3 presents the Draft Landscape Character Map and GIS Database.

1.3.4        Chapter 4 provides an analysis of the data collected during Field Survey.

1.3.5        Chapter 5 provides a broader analysis of the Hong Kong landscape, particularly in terms of its historic development, variation of character across the HKSAR and key landscape features.

1.3.6        Chapter 6 provides a finalised summary of the recommended Landscape Indicator and identifies further work needed to incorporate it into the CASET system.

1.3.7        The Report is accompanied by the Draft Landscape Character Map for Hong Kong. 

1.3.8        The finalised GIS database produced as part of TR5 will be shown as part of the Final Report for the Study.

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