The following tables give a broad indication of the likely sensitivity of each LCT to certain types of potential development. The potential types of development are not exhaustive, but have been selected as being the most common types of large scale development in Hong Kong.
The tables give a general indication of which type of potential development is likely to be accommodated within the landscape of the LCA without significantly prejudicing its existing character. In making these decisions, the applied test has been 'Would a limited amount of the proposed development type have a significantly negative effect on the character/value of the LCT?'' In reaching these decisions, account has been taken of the presence of development of a similar types within the LCT, but also of its overall character, presence of landform and vegetation (which will help to screen and integrate proposed developments), etc.
It is evident from the tables that certain types of potential development are not readily accommodated in many types of landscape. Conversely, there are certain LCTs in which almost any development will have significant impacts on landscape character/value.
It is important that the tables are seen only as broad guidance and not rigid rules. There is inevitably a certain amount of variation within the different examples of any LCT and therefore potential variation to sensitivity to any type of potential development. In addition, specific approaches to siting and design of major developments can make them more (or less) likely to correspond to the character of the existing landscape.
The guidance below is therefore for use in selecting potential locations for future major development and is really is a starting point in the site selection and preliminary design process which is carried on through the SEA or EIA process. It is certainly not a replacement for the kinds of technical study which is carried out as part of the Section 16 or EIA process.
Peaks (LCT#1)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Uplands and Hillsides (LCT#2)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Unsettled Valleys (LCT#3)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Settled Valleys (LCT#4)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Rural Inland Plains (LCT#5)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Rural Coastal Plains (LCT#6)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X
Medium/high-rise Commercial Urban Landscapes (LCT#7)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Mixed Modern Comprehensive Urban Development Landscape (LCT#8)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Residential Urban Landscapes (LCT#9)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Organic Mixed Urban Landscapes (LCT#10)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X City Grid Mixed Urban Landscapes (LCT#11)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Late 20C/Early 21C High-rise Commercial/Residential Complexes (LCT#12)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Park Urban Landscapes (LCT#13)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Industrial Urban Landscapes (LCT#14)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Urban Waterfront Landscapes (LCT#15)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Residential Urban Fringe Landscapes (LCT#16)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscapes (LCT#17)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Urban Peripheral Village Landscapes (LCT#18)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Miscellaneous Rural Fringe Landscapes (LCT#19)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X
Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Island Landscapes (LCT#20)
ype of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Reclamation/Ongoing Major Development (LCT#21)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Inter-tidal Coasts (LCT#22)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Offshore Waters (LCT#23)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Coastal Uplands and Hillsides (LCT#24)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Transportation Corridor Landscapes (LCT#25)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Upland Plateaux (LCT#26)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Golf-course Landscapes (LCT#27)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Quarry / Landfill Landscapes (LCT#28)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Institutional Landscapes (LCT#29)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Reservoir Landscapes (LCT#30)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X 'Hui' Urban Landscape (LCT#31)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Rural Township Landscapes (LCT#32)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Airport Landscapes (LCT#33)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Theme Park Landscapes (LCT#34)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Comprehensive Residential Development Landscapes (LCT#35)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Cemetery Landscapes (LCT#36)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Low-rise Residential Urban Landscapes (LCT#37)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Bay Landscapes (LCT 38)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Straits Landscapes (LCT 39)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Inshore Waters (LCT 40)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X Typhoon Shelter Landscapes (LCT41)
Type of Potential Development More Sensitive Less Sensitive Not Applicable/Viable High-rise Commercial X Low-rise commercial/Institutional X Industrial or Port-related X High-rise Residential X Medium Rise Residential X Low -rise residential X Storage / Warehousing X Railway or Major Highway X Reclamation X Quarry or Landfill X Golf Course X